Thank you for being a HUGE part of Blue Skies! You are the difference between a fun filled family vacation and a life changing, Jesus centered, encouraging, fun time as a family that will lift the cloud of cancer – you get to be a part of creating blue skies for families. What a blessing you are to us and these families. 

Encouragement. Love. Service.

During your time of volunteering, we ask you to come alongside families, love on them, and get your hands dirty! We ask that you keep these things at the front of your mind as you come to serve. Camp is filled with smiles, joy, hope, and relaxation for our guest families. Volunteers are there to serve them and make them feel at ease during their time at camp. We enjoy all of our camp activities in the great outdoors!

Family Host Team

All volunteers serve on a Family Host Team. As a Family Host, you will greet and welcome your guest family and should make it a priority to engage with, get to know, and befriend them. Throughout the retreat, help make sure your guest family feels connected, is enjoying camp, and that their children are making friends and having fun. Your main priority while at Blue Skies is to be a Friend Maker. We want to make sure our guest families are lavished in love by us, just as we are by our Heavenly Father! At Blue Skies, we have the distinct honor to get to be the hands and feet of Jesus to people who may have never been served in that way before—what a gift!

What is camp like?